Wednesday 7 October 2015

Gartner: Mandatory Fitness Trackers And Robot Managers In 2018

In three years will be required two million workers by their employers to wear a fitness tracker and three million employees will be controlled by robot managers. That predicts Gartner. The market researcher has ten predictions made ​​which should come over the next five years.

One of the predictions is that more than 3 million workers in 2018 are controlled by a "robo-boss". These systems will increasingly take decisions, which previously could only be taken by human managers. For example, robots progress and performance of the staff will keep an eye on. Will continue over three years two million workers are required to wear a fitness tracker. It mainly involves dangerous or physically demanding occupations such as police officers or firefighters.

Cloud Security

Gartner further states that in 2020 95% of the security issues with cloud users themselves is due. According to market researcher safety is still the main reason to avoid the use of public cloud services. However, only a small proportion of security incidents would be the responsibility of the cloud provider. The safe use of the cloud would increasingly require responsibility and investment of the cloud user.

Digital vandalism

Another prediction relates to digital vandalism of smart buildings. In 2018, 20% of smart buildings will have been for you to gain. Due to lack of security will vandals example could adjust light dishes, but also can convert entire buildings in the dark. Digital vandalism should be viewed as a nuisance by Gartner rather than a threat. Yet the economic may have health and safety implications, according to the market researcher.

1 comment:

  1. impressive one keep on posting<a href=">best fitness tracker</a>
