Friday 23 October 2015

Fitbit Denies Bluetooth Hack In Fitness Trackers

Manufacturer of fitness trackers Fitbit denies that its own equipment via Bluetooth can be hacked and used to spread malware, such claims a researcher. Yesterday took Axelle Apvrille of security firm Fortinet news with her ​​investigation.

She suggested a way found to hack the Fitbit fitness tracker via the Bluetooth connection. Then they could infect the machine with malware. This malware in turn could infect the computers on which the Fitbit is connected. "These messages are incorrect," according to the manufacturer in a reaction to NBC News.

"The researcher who has made these allegations confirmed to Fitbit that this was only a theoretical scenario and is not possible. Fitbit trackers can not be used to infect users of the systems with malware." According Fitbit is therefore safe to continue using the fitness trackers and users do not need to take any further action.

Fortinet says that the researcher has demonstrated a vulnerability in which the Fitbit device arbitrary code can be provided. This code can be sent to devices which allows the tracker connection. The security company says, aware that it will not reveal details, to prevent abuse. Fitbit would be informed in March over the issue.

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