Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Emoji Passcode: Now Allows Users To Online Banking Via Emoji PIN

A British company has developed a solution that allows users through a combination of smilies, also known as emoji, online banking. According to Intelligent Environments is an emoji PIN secure than a PIN that consists only of numbers and easier to remember.

For Android banking app, the company is using a set of 44 emoji's. As a result, there are 480 more permutations than is possible with a four-digit PIN. Unlike numeric passwords, such as a birth or wedding date, the emoji-PIN is not easy to figure out. According memory expert Tony Buzan is a password consisting of smilies ideally suited for people corpse memory, just very well able to remember images. "We remember more information in picture form, which is why a emoji PIN better than a traditional PIN."


  1. The emoji passcode system was launched following research, which showed that most of the people in the UK find it hard to remember numerical passcodes.

    A survey of more than 1,300 people revealed that nearly a third have forgotten their PINs before with one in four saying they use the same PIN for all their cards.

    1. Thanks for your information but I think emoji passcode system also provides much better security.. lets see.. what happens in future.!!
